About the Cedar Springs Passage








Although the Cedar Springs Passage is among the shortest passages of the Palmetto Trail at 2.9 miles, it has several unique features serving various user groups. The first mile of the passage is on the campus of the South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind and is designed to meet the needs of the students of the School. The paved portion of the passage along Cedar Springs Road and Carolina Country Club Road is suitable for use by both the hearing and the sight impaired. There is interpretive signage in Braille identifying various trees along the Trail. This section is graded such that the wheel chair bound can use the trail as well. From the paved portion, the Trail enters a wooded area on a natural surface Trail for those desiring an experience that is closer to nature. There is an existing trail at the school that connects to this section from an observation deck on the school campus. Leaving the natural surface section of the Trail on the southern end, the user will arrive at a paved parking area. From the parking area the trail is graded and surfaced to meet the design requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. This portion of the Trail features an interpretive overlook with an information panel explaining the circumstances surrounding the history of the Revolutionary War battle fought at Cedar Springs. The northern terminus of the Trail is at the Mary Black

Rail Trail Parking Area on Country Club Rd where it connects to the Hub City Passage which leads users through downtown Spartanburg and along the campus of Wofford College.

Trail signs

Interactive Maps Without Wifi

We have partnered with Avenza Maps in order to offer interactive maps that don't require an internet connection. Using the Avenza App, you can download maps onto your mobile device before you hit the trail, so that you locate yourself and be aware of where you are, even in the remotest of places. Offline location helps you stay on track, on the trail, and out of potential danger.

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